In 2012, Mr Joshua Shaw the original inventor met Debbie and identified her as his successor being a trusted, loyal friend and also an independent scientist. They worked together daily from 2013 to rebuild his business following his earlier retirement and continued servicing the many Elanra customers. Unfortunately, due to a stroke around 2014 which resulted in a drawn out divorce through 2015 Mr Shaw had to find alternate accommodation, so the rebuild of Elanra took place from his bedside in rehabilitation and aged care homes.
By January 2020 an opportunity in Wuhan alongside the research results Debbie had from her Decentralised Hybrid Clinical Research Unit, she improved Mr Shaw’s invention whilst keeping its key foundational integrity out of respect to him. The company was forbidden to advertise their results from Wuhan and so Debbie focussed on independent research and science where there was no boundary to intellectual creativity, in an effort to assist the human body recover itself from any illness. One of the key solutions she implemented came out of Oceanography, which she adapted to clinical practice in human health!
Debbie owns the world’s first patent for developing a ‘systemic selective adaptogen’ by producing an abundance of the Master Metaboliser H2 (Molecular Hydrogen) inside the human body and ensuring it is regulated by that individual’s own body to suit the persons own physiological needs. All as one sleeps with no effort. That’s like the key for every single cell to assist the body heal itself. Importantly, because it’s a physics solution it does not interfere with pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, traditional Chinese medicines or vaccines, it has no side effects.
Studying 39 different fields of medicine and science in narrow focussed subject areas searching for a new solution is not possible through Academia. Although not a deep expert in any one field, having a vision on the end goal created research knowledge that opened new horizons. In 2023, Debbie was accepted by a University in California for her PhD where she will debate a thesis on: “The Nexus between Eschatology, Neuroquantology and Epigenetics.” In other words, she is studying our new global environment and its impacts on human health especially our mind through the eyes of the unseen world in quantum physics and then relating that to what the Biblical prophecies tell us about the times we are living in and what we can do about it.
“It’s an honour to take forward and improve the foundational work that Mr Shaw spent his whole life developing, and spent many years protecting and vehemently fighting for. Today, we are assisting patients of all ages, with any condition, from their bedside, and gently over time, still with no side effects and consistent results.
Unfortunately, modern clinical trials remain a real challenge for this device, as they rightly require stringent controls of who can be included in the study to limit potential variables and focus on one illness. However, our large database of patients has shown that the more health variables (illnesses) a patient has, the better their outcome and experience will be over time. Therefore, although testing one illness will meet clinical trial requirements, it will not explain the potential benefits of our low risk device among all patients, especially those sick from bacteria, virus and other pathogens including our aged person communities.
Dr Mark Edwards said, “Though multiple claims for one medical device can provoke scepticism, many non-specific effects are common when the target system(s) of treatments, govern the activities and functions of many different aspects of the organism such as the respiratory, immune, hormonal and central nervous systems.” Results from this medical device have been repeatable and consistent. It’s success of assisting treat and preventing pathogens of any mutation and not interfering with existing medicines and vaccines, appear to be linked to is mechanisms of being a ‘physics solution’ and not a ‘chemical solution’. This science belongs to humanity, not just Australians. – Ms Debbie Sommerville (2021).

Mr Joshua Shaw (1938–2019) was the inventor of the original science and technology of the Elanra medical devices. He first began his research into ‘therapeutic small air ions’ with a negative charge around 1967, eventually naming his medical devices ‘Elanra’. He spent his last 7 years with his protege Debbie Sommerville. In 2009, an independent professional study across 973 patients resulted in 95% reporting “less colds and flu” and 93% “actively recommending these medical devices to their family and friends.”
The innovative design of the Elanra devices advanced the field of gas ionization and physics in the 1960’s beyond its applications of sterilization and air purification towards medical therapeutic purposes. Accordingly, in the 1970s, the Health Department (now called the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)) deemed that the official description of the device would be a ‘therapeutic air ioniser’, this made the Australian Health Department (TGA) the first in the world to recognise these benefits for human health, being a new international medical classification. However, testing its science was not possible back then as the tools were not available. It was not until much later (2018) that with the new improvements that this technology would not be recognised by leading International Academic Professors as a type of low risk ‘Cold Air Plasma (CAP) Medicine combined with Quantum Physics which produces Therapeutic healthy air species’. Therapeutic means these unique air species are biologically active for the human body. They travel in a special way to be inhaled and ingested via the respiratory system into the bloodstream, and absorbed through the skin to produce a positive therapeutic and biological effect for human health systems, all as the patient sleeps.

Mr Joshua Shaw wrote in the 1980’s: “The award winning Elanra MkII (Geneve Inventors award 2003) enhance health and wellness by replicating nature’s small negative ions of Oxygen across variable frequencies – just like those we experience beside a waterfall, by the seaside or after a thunderstorm. Only with this Elanra therapeutic device can you harness the vast health benefits associated with breathing in nature’s small ions of Oxygen whilst at home, in the office or on the go.”
This science and technology is more than an ioniser. It is more than an air purifier. It is designed for your body and blood usually at your bedside, and as a side effect, it will also purify the air and surfaces at the same time from pathogens. Over the years, the company has gradually and carefully recorded the positive results expressed from patients of the medical devices across various illnesses, in its private database. As at January 2021, the company has 71 concurrent Clinical Case Study trials in process on a range of illness’s led by our own patients. As of 2021, the company database is recognised to hold the largest records of using Plasma Medicine for humans in the world. Since 1967, there have been no recalls and no adverse events to human health.

From 1967 to 2020, the company chose to not release its human results nor publish in any journals with reference to its success in over 1 Million patients, relying on organic growth. The science and technology was ahead of its time, and its active mechanisms were not accepted by the scientific, medical and political fraternity, for it was not understood. Also it could not be scientifically measured nor explained beyond the words of the day, it could only be experienced by its positive in-human results, and this was not enough. 2021 will see this trend change as some stakeholders now welcome results in public health, accepting the unseen especially when it has shown long term efficacy in humans.

Mr Shaw’s motivation:
Unfortunately, Mr Joshua Shaw passed away on March 5th, 2019. He is greatly missed and admired for what he did for human health in Australia.
A man who dedicated his life to this invention after witnessing his younger brother Simeon die in agony at the age of 5 years old in 1947. Scientists in another country were seeking knowledge to use in the Cold War. Simeon suffering from early bone cancer, was injected with ‘radioactive plutonium’ as an experiment so that science could learn what happens to the human body, whilst still alive; without informed parental consent. Simeon died 9 months after this ‘treatment’. A practice which would be forbidden today. The country involved, eventually provided a formal apology to Joshua and his family and was broadcast on Australian television. An event which deeply scarred Mr Shaw and drove him to the person he became and the technology that he created for humanity.
Health Professionals Only
Assist your patients with a device that complements any prescriptions you have recommended. The Elanra does not conflict with any medications. The device assists to clear the pathway for better absorption and more effective results so the medications can work as intended and not hindered by the negative internal pollutants that could alter efficacy.